The Crotchet’s Corner

My perspective about all things inconsequential

Asking the question – why?

It’s been a little over three months since this blog was updated, and the question that came to mind was – Why?

It would be a very simple matter to shrug it off and attribute the delay to inertia, lack of ideas, shortage of time, or, indeed, a lessened interest in adding to whatever is already online.

Other questions popped up. Who reads this blog anyway? Was it created for a personal ego trip? Was it because of a genuine desire to express oneself?

Realization dawned that the fundamental reason for creating this blog was to find an avenue for expression. It was a medium for putting down thoughts to “paper”, so to speak, and transferring what was within the mind into a more visible form. A personal diary of observations, thoughts, views, or merely a light-hearted look at the world and whatever was happening.

There was, in addition, the conscious recognition that the quantity of output was, in some way, correlated to the prevalent mindset, and, perhaps, the mood.

The mind is a strange thing, and, on reflection, it became clear that the inability to “find” things to write about was in direct correlation to the progressive withdrawal into a shell.

One can rationalize, analyze, appraise, and carry out deep self-introspection. The end result is a mass of unconnected signals, none of which come together to form a credible and logical whole. An exercise in near-total futility, in the ultimate analysis.

The thought that finally emerged was that the only way to get out of this moribund frame of mind was to revert to what was the primary objective of creating a blog – the need to express.

Which is what I shall, hopefully, attempt to do on a regular basis.


February 4, 2010 - Posted by | About this and that | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Great to see your blog being updated. Our mind also works/creativity comes in when you question yourself. Keep it up.


    Comment by Revathy Venkatratnam | February 4, 2010 | Reply

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